It’s often said that everything changes depending on how you look at it.
It’s the old question; is your glass half empty or half full?
Was it embarrassing that I had to chase the bin wagon in my socks this morning because I forgot to put the recycling out?
Or was it an unexpected, bracing jog added to my daily exercise quota?
Is it bad parenting that I can’t remember any lullabies at bedtime?
Or is it a unique skill that I can lull him to sleep by softly rapping the ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ theme?
A sleeping baby is a sleeping baby after all.
With that in mind – October was the month I got made redundant.
From a job that I loved.
While on maternity leave.
And my friends lost their jobs too.
…Just in time for the winter fuel bills…and Christmas.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
It would have been very easy to be upset about the whole scenario, but what actually came out of it was a new focus.
This was exactly the push I needed to set up my freelance business. I’ve talked about about doing it for years.
So here I am!
Since the closure of the agency I worked for, I’ve been absolutely blown away by the compliments I’ve received from friends, colleagues and customers.
…“I hope you are aware of the very high regard we have always had for you in particular and also the PR service we have received from your team over the years… please keep us in mind when considering your options”…
…“any clients would be lucky to have you”…
…”freelance will be even better for you, because all your hard work will reflect directly back on you”…
So, with these kind words ringing in my ears, I’m excitedly starting my positive new chapter! I’m building a business that I can be proud of, with a network of creative friends that can offer my clients any service they require.
And if we have to scrimp and save for a couple of weeks, so be it.
Homemade Halloween costumes are much more ‘en vogue’ anyway.